Modern Warfare 2


If it did get banned, I’d just get an overseas copy through ebay, that is if I wanted to play online :wink:


yeh that is kinda nuts.


I only just watched the clip, it’s a bit wrong. Is your objective to mow down innocent bystanders, or are they just there to make it more realistic? There is a huge difference imo. If you are meant to mow down the civilians, then I can’t help but think that’s a bit bellow the belt, but if it’s just some drop kick playing the game and deciding to shoot civilians, then that’s not too bad, though the guy playing may have to ask himself whether he has issues.


No, your objective as a CIA agent undercover as a terrorist is to shoot civilian’s, its exactly how it looks.


no different from been in a plane killing people who are forced to fight with no choice and they get blown into thousands of pieces.


It’s completely different because you are gunning down terrorists, your objective is not to gun down defenceless civilians. Sure you can accidental kill that one hostage but you are not meant to. I don’t know how you can even think that is the same?

Are they trying to get the game banned?


hehehe i know. But it isn’t new, Prototype u can rape civvies without anything happening and same in GTA4 (sorta)


True, there have been other games where you can kill the civilians.

This is the first game I have seen that actually has a mission when you are meant to gun them down, I thought the whole point of IW putting civs in the game was to test your skills by not accidentally shooting them in missions (like not team killing in MP).

Not that I really care about it one way or another but they are treading a fine line after all the recent terrorist attacks, I’m surprised the Americans aren’t arcing up about it due to 9/11.


they;ve already rated it and stuff i don’t think the OFLC can change that its not gorey or anything


That’s a good thing then, as I am looking forward to the SP.


The OLFC defiantly can change it, though only when content is found in a game that was not revealed to them IE Hot Coffee. So if activision never showed them this part of the game (the OFLC doesnt review the full game, what company’s are suppose todo is send a representative sample of the game + list all features, capabilities etc) then they very well may reclassify it/


I can remember that Hot Coffee thing now that you mention it, was a big deal when they found out. Like GTA isn’t already controversial enough, we even had to get a toned down version of vice city without swearing.


1 week to go, woo!


mega spoilers read if u must (well its only the MP perks :P)


some cool looking perks there


I had promised not to worry about this any more til it came out, but I picked this from the OCAU forum, BestBuy had a chat with IW developers.


“Max 9v9 (i think some are limited to 6v6)
No console
No demo recording
No admins
No IW game servers (only peer to peer)
Deciding who is the host goes only on ping
Changing hosts (if too laggy or host quits) stops gameplay for at least 5 seconds
No FOV change
No manual banning on ranked servers whatsoever (IW are going to “ban all hackers” automatically lol - and that is directly quoted from the IW guys ^)
No leaning
No custom maps
No mods”


so basically

A F*&KED game


HAHA, it’s like they spent all their time getting the console versions ready, then forgot that they were releasing it on PC also at the same time.

I would of loved to seen them justifying those changes at the time of development.

Ah well SP will still be good.


i think sp will be good 2


no FOV change :frowning: gayness