Call of Duty MW3


Official teaser but this guy makes it interesting, i might end up buying it but i really don’t care anymore BF3 will shit all over it anyways


im not paying another 80 bucks for another game only months after blops…ok its been a few months but i wish they would release something and build on and not release full games so frequently


:blink::blink: will see…


so will it have dedicated servers is depending on any purchase mw2 was fail, will it be a console port mw2 = fail, until they lift there game i wont be wasting cash on any other of these scams which mw2 was


Yeh well and truly done with CoD. From the sounds of it, they’re tryin to copy BF3, but still use the same [URL=“”]6 year old engine. Hopefully BF3 nails this one to the wall.


Tbh even if by a miricle mw3 is awesome i’ll be too busy playing Bf3 and Elder scrolls 5…:wink2:


Fuck going again with a cod title. Consoles can keep playin the same shit if they want.


skyrim and diablo 3(hopefully) = gg 2011


yeah should be released in nov, from what i heard , there will be no dedi servers just like the last one.


Guess dats dat den cod you were and still are the weakest link good bye and I’m so glad I never wasted my life working to earn money to buy this sort of shit don’t know why they’ll even bother releasing this shit on pc seeing mw2 and black ops was fail what the multi player lasted 3 weeks lol




I have always enjoyed the single player of this series, but cant see myself paying $80+ for a single player game


Same here Chilli. I’ll most likely get it from India if it even is worth spending money on.


Yeah i’m not going to get it at all, paying $80 for a game with a very old engine, a broken multiplayer and an ever decreasing storyline is ludicrous


Maybe if the had stealth choppers gunning down a 60 year old unarmed terrorist I’d be in






so torrenting this


Yep, fuck 'em.


lol thats the OE spirit!!