Yo anyone selling a


hey is anyone sellin a geforce 9800 graphics card? i think thats the right one cant remember. im also buying a saround sound system, faly decent if anyone is selling.


hey if your still looking, Umart has em cheap, ITSDirect are good as well

and i wouldn;t go with a 9800 card, ATI 4870 are way way waaaaay better


lol cool, argh do they have a website?


yeah bro and remember fukt eh nvidia range atm, ATI 4000 series are the best bang for bucks, 4870 is a sweet ass card






the 4870 are way better than 9800 and 200 series from Nvidia, if ya can afford it the 4870X2 is the shiz for around $650-700, 4870X2 beats 280GTX in SLI