Woot... Its on Rick ;)


First serious medding i done in ages, not a bad effort either if i must say so myself :wink: lookout rick i’m gonna take over ur job :stuck_out_tongue:


Nice, another 11 100’s and ull have passed me lol


how many more do i need? ohhhhhh this is about medding lmfao

1 of these days i will put my hand 2 medding and see how i go :wink: i have done it a couple of times in the last 2 weeks and i often forget that i am a med lol


lol rick, i’ve had that many before, but never used to take screenies in those days… :cry: otherwise i reckon you would be the 1 catching up :wink: 8)


Yeah but ur an old fart and have more time. lol :lol:


rick i would look at his kill-death emus ratio isnt too bad for over 100 med saves u see the problem these days is that the meds do more harm then good sometimes and there own deaths end up losing it for the whole team nice to see that emu has kept his deaths low for a nice over 100 med saves and thats what counts i beleive


Now this is a ratio worth talkin bout for 100 med saves