Windows 7


lol…thats one program I wouldnt pirate!!!



It’s Microsoft’s way of getting back at you. Funnily enough when I was trying to find the source of your issue, I came across some people who had left their installation going for 24 hrs and it still hadn’t completed. That’s unbelievable.


its a mystery. I’d say it would be optimizing itself for your hardware in some way. At that stage you havn’t entered in the key yet, so its not doing any piracy checks. I’ve had it be instant to almost an hour once over >200 PC’s I’ve built this year.


can i load windows 7 64bit on my other pc with only 2gig ram?





Just be aware that you are only meant to use one serial per PC, if you use your genuine key on multiple PCs, MS may pick it up as being pirated etc…


I think it will deactivate the first computer when you activate the 2 nd one


well thats just fuked isnt it!!!


Yeah, they know how to sting you.