

Your not the only one that can do it Timmah


Hahaha nice dude nice.
What ever was that in?? Some nice high scores there


=STT= knife and pistol


think im still banned in there


im banned from there, damn :censored:


yes but cambo, pistol and knife servers dont count


i dont get the scores either, too many kills for so little deaths on either team


i get bad ping on that server noisey bastards knife and pistol is good when its true knife and pistols good ping


All the meds keep reviving you before you die. :stuck_out_tongue:

Some still dont even know this but when you get shot theres a few seconds before you “die” and cant be revived. So a death doesnt count till the 15 seconds are up or you get hit with arty or something big like an APC lol etc