Test your multitasking skills


lol… so addictive, see how ya’s go. my highest so far is 84.


bleh, 106, damn that gets hard.


66 to begin with…


77, it’s freaking hard


76 on first go lol its annoying to concentrate that much :S


76 first try as well. Fuck the music is annoying.

Also, that isn’t multitasking, THIS is multitasking!


edit: Made 102 the second time round, cannot take the music anymore lol.


81 first go, too much concentration required to try again.


zomg hard!


91, too late for the brain!


:mad2:84… fuck thats hard… my pigeon brain isnt that skilled!


hahahaha 191, first attempt tonight too!


tell the truth rav, you had 3 ppl over to help!


oh hey, that could work! never thought of that… honest… :wink2: