Stepbak is back


hello all again how are we all doing?? sorry ive been MIA for a while… just a shitload of personal probs. im ready and willing to get back into bf2 if its still happening. but… i havent played in a fair while and i tried to play it today and realised they finally brought out d new 1.5 patch… anyone who can giv me a hand with gettin it all up n running again would be much apreciated. just shows how long ive been gone lol…


jump on ts and ill help set you up. ATM we are not active in bf2 due to people falling out of love with it. pussies…:mad2:


Welcome back :yahoo:


yeh geeze sif fall out of love with bf2, its awesome, not as awesome as cod4 but still awesome :sweat:

but welcome back dude

