Some Scores...Some top Fun


soz no tags :rolleyes2: only 2 off nightfail and i came in late :shades:


Im glad you didn’t add the end scores of the previous round… as we kinda got raped… literally


DAMN… not many kills but great kdR


lol very nice :shades:



the teams were more even throughout the match…


suuuure they were. freakin stackers :laugh:


Notice Sparks great kdr


leave me alone i was having a bad night
its hard to aim when changing from Gunz to BF2 its confusing
at least i died in style:yahoo::yahoo:


lol sparks



Great match


nw scratchy :slight_smile:


pfft, I was Commander, my final score was 238…lol


didn’t you get 241???


you get double as commander score dont you and you posted I got 119:ermm:


Im positive you got 241… at the end of the game they give you some of the points back you lost from the team kill you made earlier in the round (1-3 points in most cases) (only as winning commander)

Well that’s my theory :rolleyes2: as it happens alot when im commander, cause there’s always 1 tool that thinks its ok to run over a teammates claymore

why did you tk mthfkr again? lol


if i did it was his fault the idiot, ran in front of me when i was shooting at a guy trying to steal my kill then he punished me…idiot