Smashed Window


So anyway guys this is what happened.

Last night I was at a mates for a BBQ and a few beers, then I got a lift home. I slept like a baby all night :wink:
Then this morning I get up and start heading off to work, when I look at my car (it died like 3 or 4 weeks ago) and we were going to chuck a new motor in it, great condition body for a car its age, and anyways I noticed the window was down, and it was POURING, and it still isā€¦
So I run over to find that it was actually smashed, so i spent like 10 mins trying in the pouring rain to chuck bits of plastic and stuff and jam them into the door seal so it wouldnt leak.
And now my brothers gone to the cop shop to give them the details, while I sit at work mulling over who I am going to killā€¦ I might sit up tonight hide, wait to see who lurks around and go hit em over the head or somethingā€¦

As you can see, I am still fumingā€¦


gah, crap to hear that. Iā€™m assuming if itā€™s been sitting there thereā€™d be nothin worth stealing in it. Some people are just @!#%^$%!. Some douche kicked my broā€™s bike off itā€™s stand a month or 2 back, fair bit of damage. Iā€™m STILL pissed about that :><:


that happened to meā€¦but it was the dickhead neighbour and his whipper snipperā€¦lol

i dont think anyones coming back to smash the other ones:happy:

Bad luck, tipā€¦dont use Windscreens Oā€™Brien, they are douible the price of local window guys.


Yeah I reckon, yeah there was nothing in it, i took all my valuable stuff out a few weeks back, like stereo, speakers and everything. So ā€œphewā€ in that instance, but my mum and dad still want me to keep the damn car and now I have to replace the window as wellā€¦ Not to mention I donā€™t know how much water damage the passenger side seat has but i felt it and it felt like a sponge about to burst. :frowning:
I donā€™t know why people do that. Grrrā€¦
Sorry to hear about your broā€™s bike too man, money wasted to repair, its ridiculousā€¦

Unlucky Chilli, i wouldnā€™t be letting him near a whipper snipper anymore! :stuck_out_tongue:
They wouldnā€™t want to come backā€¦ just gonna get my mechanic/everything car cousin to sort it out, so hopefully its fairly cheapā€¦ :wink:


Thereā€™s nothing more annoying than people deliberately damaging your car, I can understand how you feel right now.


Yeah itā€™s pretty terrible, but what can ya do, noone saw itā€¦ :frowning:


Canā€™t do a lot unfortunately.

The other thing that is annoying is that if you did catch them in the act, and gave them a belting, youā€™d be the one who gets in trouble if they complained.

I value my car (or any of my important possessions) over the well being of somebody trying to damage them. This has nothing to do with monetary value, it is purely sentimental which is worth far more imo. An average wash and wax on my car takes me about 5 hours to do decently, a regular wash takes a minimum of 2 hours and I wash my car every fortnight, sometimes weekly. For me to put that sort of time and effort into something, Iā€™m not going to be happy when some asshole who doesnā€™t give a shit, puts a dent in my car and doesnā€™t think anything of it. Quite frankly, Iā€™d want to strangle them.


Thats the same as me Nipper, I donā€™t spend that much time washing it, but i do take a lot of care of it. And I have a sneaking suspicion of who it might be, so if I see him lurking around againā€¦ Ooohhh :smiley:


Haha, yeah but Iā€™m compulsive.

Could easily be somebody you know, people get jealous (not necessarily of your car) and find the need to damage anything of yours that they can get their hands on. Iā€™ve seen this happen myself to other people. Luckily it hasnā€™t happened to me, though Iā€™ve also had what looks to be deliberate damage on some of my cars but I could never prove who did it.

By all means, your car doesnā€™t need to be in concourse condition for you to be attached to it. My old man LOVED his Dodge Canter truck, it was a bucket of shite but it did its job which was carting bricks/sand/gravel up to our house when we were building it. When it did its big end bearing, he was pretty sad about selling it.

Funny thing was, the person who bought it for next to nothing, refurbished it as it was the first petrol model Dodge (Mitsubishi) Canter model ever made, itā€™s now like brand new and somewhat of a collectors item. We had no idea.


Haha fair enough, now that wouldā€™ve hurt your dad a bit I bet!
And I have had a few items deliberately damaged, but never the car. I was rope-able this morning. I have calmed down somewhat as it is covered by my insurance. ā€œPhewā€

Might be heading out to a LAN tonight, introduce some of my CoD fanboy friends to BC2, just to see them get jealous :wink: might make my day a little better :stuck_out_tongue:


Good stuff, knowing that you donā€™t have to pay for entirety of the damage helps.

Haha, theyā€™ll think the maps are too big, vehicles are gay, bullets donā€™t do enough damageā€¦

Actually managed to convert one of my mates who was a big CoD4 and CoDMW2 fan. Think he has bought BC2 now after having a go of it at my place. Some of you would of been playing with him even though you wouldnā€™t of been aware as he was using my soldier name.

Wow, really off topic now, lol.


Ah mate, sorry to hear that, I know how it feels. A couple years ago I came home from work to find my back door litterally ripped off its hinges, lost it all, including a 5000 Modulas Bass guitarā€¦the police cop the couple and I did end up getting the bass back :sweat:


Haha nice Nipper :wink: They thought the maps were too big, but they loved the vehicles haha!
And that sucks Voodoo, at least you got your bass back, I wouldā€™ve been spewing if I were you!