Realtek Audio


Im having some issues with my Audio. I used to be able to plug in the headphones and that would cancel out the mic. I am also having trouble getting the audio functioning properly on the line out to the amp.

I think i plugged in the had cable to the mobo as apposed to the ac97 whatever cable…

what should I have connected given I have no dedicated sound card


First, just to be sure. Download the latest audio drivers for your motherboard. It sounds as if you are just running on the generic Windows 7 one.

Windows 7 can do this for you though Windows update, you need to scan for updates, then look at the optional ones that it finds for you. Any optional update for system drivers are what you are after.


but is it ok i have the hd cable connected to the mobo?


did the update, nothing for audio. I did download and install the 64K Realtek driver the other day


Yeah, the HD Audio is the correct one to plug into the motherboard header.

So, when you plug headphones into the front of your PC, do you not get sound or mic?


Im gonna fuk with it a bit more before taking up your time. Ive got headhones in now listening to a bit of kick Start my Heart (The Crew) and if I unplug my headphones, my speakers work…that part works.

The other issue is the new version of Realtek is very different to the older version so Ill play around with a few settings. Ive been unsuccessful to date but ill try again. When I run a movie through the tv, just a simple analogue connection, I get a warped effect, or no voice.

I was hoping it was just plugging in the wrong cable and as its not its just going to be trial and error.



Well just holla if you need anything.

One last suggestion would be to look at the settings on your amp, if the sound works correctly out of headphones from the PC, then the amp may be doing something that is making the sound play up when you try to watch a movie.

You may also want to switch to HDMI, as it will take care of audio and video for you, but you need to have a receiver that supports HDMI.


i can run it to the tv with hdmi but i prefer to run it to the amp…NO HDMI…so i can pump out tunes from the pc when we have a shin dig


still cant get it working out of both of the jacks so tried hooking up an optical cable but that didn’t seem to work either.

any ideas or thoughts about using the optical cable?


opitcal cable is the way to go i use one from mine to my amp alot clearer sound thru it just have to make sure your amp is set to it and there is sound going through the cable usually if you plug one end in the other will have a red light coming out


Can you explain the problem in more detail as I’m not really sure what the problem is from your first post.

That’ll give me a better chance of working out a fix.