Ownage for Hills, Sparks, Caboose


I have been meaning to put this thread up since my last tuesday bash (2 weeks ago) but i have been busy. All we got for the bash was Myself (hills) Sparks and Caboose. I was pretty disapointed but nontheless we went in there and had some fun. We were on the map “Sharqui Peninsula” (I hope that is how you spell Sharqui…) We spawned on tv station and made our way towards construction site. but me being sniper i stopped at a building and went up top. When i got up top there the whole squad (oe guys + 2 others who were interested) we had 1 support 2 snipers and 2 medics (sparks support, me a sniper and Caboose a medic). because of us the MEC side could not advance to construction site or to tv station at all. whenever they were in the flagroom at tv they always have everyone blazing at them and the sniper rifles going off and always died. I congratulate Caboose on his medic gun snipering. No matter how many times they rezzed they died. And sparksy with his spray that got 5 people at a distance (we all know how useless a support gun is a sniper range). We were on that roof for over 10 minutes and we each racked up between 30-40 kills (did i mention that was each?) Good game guys and thanks again for comming. I would have posted this sooner but I was busy


nice work, i meant to play last night with ya’s… but the new nvidia drivers were out enabling physx the newer gfx cards… pretty sahweet.


Yer well we fuked owned last night as well…and on Monday night…heheheheeee


^ owned isn’t the word I would use.



yeah was good, though i would say we earned around 30 or so kills all together from that spot, i remember killing one guy 3 times in a row with my L85 :wink2: poor bastard, and hills forgot to mention some nub came and finished us off with a nade LOL

and next map was jalalabad and we owned there as well

and its Sharqi…:rolleyes2: