No+Z's New Public Promod!


Nothing Other Than Zero has opened up a 18-slot public server for all to use.

We will be rotating through various maps / game types to keep everyone happy.
The current proposed rotation is as follows:
SnD - Vacant
TDM - Backlot
SnD - Crash
Sab - Downpour
SnD - Citystreets
TDM - Killhouse
SnD - Strike
Sab - Crossfire
TDM - Broadcast

We encourage all to jump in and play :smiley:

Details are: /connect;


Added to fav’s :yes:


where is winter crash? :laugh:


lol, winter crash!



eww do not want. somehow downpour managed to get into the cylce lol :stuck_out_tongue:

but its fix’d now!