


woot cracked 2000 tops dude lol at ratio


far out. you p00fs are getting good.


lol i thing i died under 1 airstrike 6 times LOL and tim shipment is just a noob map heaps of fun but not 2 much skill going on unless you call spawning then holding down left mouse button until you die which is usually if your lucky 10 secs after spawn


LOL 6 times rofl mines 2 lol and Shipment is like shooting each other in an apartment…


nice work mte


w0ot 200 ZING nice m8


if u played that map tim u would think other wise. FF would of been off i presume.

u fail to impress Gunz0r! :laugh:


ROFL why would i want to impress you ?


because its everyones dream to impress me :wink2:


Just ignore him, gunners full of shit.

The point is, he kicked everyone elses ass. Rock on Woven!


u promised u wouldnt tell anyone! lol

yeah ur right, he did kick them though i guess.

might have to get a game in soon…tonight maybe :><:


lol your dream perhaps gunner i got to many stubbies to get thru to fulfil my dream


b4 dielma gets there … ZING


lol take me outta your dreams pls wov :stuck_out_tongue:


k i’m scared


nice work woven