Mw 2


Chilli0-_ i think


correction CHILLI0-_




Well…(sigh), If you had got an x-box360 instead of a noone online playbyyourselfstation3, you would have a lots of good people to know and kill…


shit look at that old sig…i did that about 4 years ago…lol


Well, heres the verdict

Im pretty close to fuking hating multiplayer…One minute im killing what im aiming at then im not, quick check of the ping bars and i drop from 4 (highest) to one (lowest) On one you pretty much cant hit shit. I just cant stand a game where so much of your opportunity comes down to variables that are not in your control…and if one more mofo enemy spawns behind me im gonna put my controller through the tv

I love the single player challenges etc but just get so fuking frustrated on multiplayer…plus, who the fuk can aim using a controller…!!!

I think years of mouse action has forever fuked my ability to ever grasp aiming properly on a controller.

So I dare say MW2 is the last shooter ill ever buy for the ps3. Ill stick to sports games.

Cant beat a good old, rsi giving keyboard and mouse!

Bring on Bc2…


Haha, keyboard and mouse is the ONLY way to play a FPS, that fact is embedded in concrete, I don’t care what anyone else says.

MP is fun but the net thing seems to be a problem for everyone except me. I actually used to have a huge deal of trouble with CoD4 MP with high latency, I don’t seem to suffer it much if at all on MW2, not that I’ve really played it enough to know for sure.