Modern Warfare 2


lol didn’t buy it suckers :stuck_out_tongue:


the single player was pretty awesome, regardless of no dedi servers, but meh


Someone shoot me I just purchased the map pack for mw2 for my son comp aaarrrhhhh… I gotta say crash/overgrown look awesome might have to kick him off his comp and have a game…:laugh:


bad mac bad bad bad


Former Labour minister Lord Myners has criticised former colleagues’ “flawed thinking” on the economy and called for a crackdown on spending “waste”. The ex-City minister said there was “nothing progressive” about a government that had ran up huge debt that would impact on later generations. [color=white]81keys RMT[/color][url=][color=white]aion RMT[/color][url=][color=white]信%E9L RMT[/color][url=][color=white]RMT[/color][url=][color=white]信%E9L RMT[/color]


dunno if anyone noticed but there is a dlc pack being released with 5 maps in it, included is crash and overgrown from cod4 which look pretty good.

Being released on xbox first for one month as microsoft paid for exclusive rights to it lol, it IS costing money to buy it, bout $13 US i think it was, should be released on PS3 and PC bout april 29th.

Dont think ill buy it though, as most of us. I havent played it in weeks, its just been horribad lately, struggling to even get in a game.


vid of some of it there for those interested


too bad i stopped playing it when i got bc2 :stuck_out_tongue:


i ain’t paying for only maps.


yeh… that ain’t happening


LOL $15 for 5 maps there fkn dreamin… I’m sure all the console muppets will buy it…


no doubt.


i’m sure we’ll find a way…maybe you can just copy maps from one computer to another :laugh:


I only played BC2 for like a day, not even, and MW2 just doesn’t interest me anymore! BC2 is going to be like my old CSS addiction, i guarantee it, 3am it was this morning when I got off, had to be up at 7 for work. Oh god. :S
