List your favourite games!

  1. Batman: Arkhum Asylum - brought out my inner comic book nerd. Just finished my 2nd play through, no doubt I’ll prolly go through it again before the sequel arrives. Has the best hand to hand combat system I’ve seen implemented, and they’ve built on the DC characters perfectly.

Yer the fighting was wicked. Id like to see a little more flexibility though in the combo’s.

The future of gaming is looking bright…think how far we have come in the last 5 years.


Blood Gulch was awesome fun, Halo was the reason that the original Xbox took off.


guess what, that little bit of HOMM news turned out to be HOMM VI this morning, wooooooot, p.s. should start building up muscles in my finger for non-stop next turn as civ 5 and HOMM VI are now on the way.

I can now finish this semester at uni with the reassurance that after the bleak end i shall again have something to enjoy. lol


yeah john microsofts freelancer, but i can’t remember this epic intro that had nothing to do with the story i might have to go back to it, personally the only thing that i would have like to see more of in the game was more types of guns and ships.


cough X3:TC

Also: [ame][/ame]

X2 was better then X3 when i think about it…alot better