LG Friendly


Attn: whoever is leading our BF3 squad :D…

KracKeh (Krak.au) of Lg (Legionnaires) would like to challenge us to a friendly.

Actually he wanted one Friday night…

His BL profile: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/user/KracKeh/

And their website: http://legionnaires.enjin.com/forums


So by the looks of it, these guys are kinda good


They are reasonable.


K, well this is great.


K. so Patty and I, out of frustration, have commandeered the BF3 division as of 30 seconds ago. We are now having a scrim tomorrow morning. 10am (in your timezone). go.


+1 Chromium



Ive been a bit busy. I will make sure i contact them via their website asap.

Is everyone keen for a scrim? what days/ times suits people or am I to pick what i think suits?


any evening…times are an issue becuase it needs to be late in QLD to get the WA boys on…perhaps 9pm QLD time


i am fine to do matches and scrims on all nights except wed/thurs/sun (those nights are booked weekly till 10pm qld time 11pm nsw time. when dst is gone and the time zones are back to normal im booked till 11pm. unless my commitments are gone by the time dst fucks off again)

edit: a quick note to my post. lately (past few weeks) sunday has been free since everything is sorted on wed/thurs