Happy Bday Chum


Tis Chums birthday today


The Chum had a bday !!!

Hope ya had a good day mate :shades:


Hey Chum Happy Bithday…:hi:


happy birthday chum


happy birthday man, hope you have a good one


It’s an amazing month is June, Happy Birthday!!


Sweet 16 !! Two more years and you can throw down drinks in the presence of naked ladies, legally.


Thanks everyone!

Chum Leveled up and is now Lvl 25
+10 HP
+2 STR
+1 INT
Unlocked Wage Slave Journeyman Specialization
Unlocked Receding Hairline Customization
You can now access Reduced Insurance Premiums


Happy Sweet 16 Chuminatore! In two years you can now throw down drinks whilst watching naked ladies, legally!


I wish i never unlocked that profile.


rofl. Happy Bday Tman :shades:


If you’re a buddhist, you get prestige rounds. You can reset all your achievements and unlocks to be reborn as a Lvl 1 Creature.


Happy birthday mate, I unlocked the receding hairline customisation back when I was 18, lol.

I gave up my luscious curls, instead opting to buzz my head over with the good old clippers.


HB Big Fella!..hey!!..no reference to anything :><: