HAF 932 (not mine)


Can’t help ya patty. Gonna be building a HTPC this weekend prolly, but a HAF ain’t what you’d call compact :laugh:


Get MediaPortal on that ASAP, crime to have a HTPC without it.


you’d easily sell it on OCAU


That’s a very good idea.


Sorry Patty … i got no need for it . love my k62 too much


Dunno what you mean…

I would if i could remember username/password. Moreso though becuase they don’t actually know the correct answer to their own random question on the password retrieve screen. “The great barrier reef is off the coast of which Australian state?” Apparently the answer isn’t any form of “Queensland/queensland/qld/QLD”, so I decided to try each and everyone of the states of our wonderful nation, only to be tooooold… “The answer given for the random question was incorrect”

Doh. Overclockers AU my arse

