Games to get


Ive got

[]Mirrors Edge
]Star Wars
[]NSP Undercover
]FIFA 10
[]NFL 10
]NBA 10
[]Fight Night 4

looking at getting
[]UFC 10 and
]2k10 Baseball.
]Red Dead Redemption
[/LIST]I think the kids would love Brink :rolleyes2:

PC is reserved for BC2 :wink2:…


ufc09 was awesome, ill probably get ufc10 just so i can play my x360 more


God of War 1/2 HD and GOW3 kgo


ufc09 was awesome, ill probably get ufc10 just so i can play my x360 more

except for all the stupid training. Shit, do they realy think you buy a game to spend 70% of it going through training.

Apparently in ufc10 they have addressed this and made it a lot quicker…thank god

I once knocked out Frank Mir (played by Risky, mate of mine) with Crocop in 2 seconds. Ran in, Superman punch, game over…LMAO

God I wish i had that on video


Superman punch was horribly broken though. Online was ruined by it D:

And i didnt mind training, but if they make it shorter in 10, then its a bonus :slight_smile:


Not sure if it’s out yet, but you NEED to buy God of War 3 if it is. It’s the type of game people will buy the console for.