Cod:ww pam


From Bullet Worm :

Thanks goes to all the patient players testing out on the Alpha server! The mod has become increasingly stable, with the last few crashes coming from stock scripting issues.

With that, I’ve put up a download link for the first PAM:WW Alpha. Is it 100% bug free? I seriously doubt it. And it is a long way from being “done”. With some error and bug-reporting help from you guys, the mod will get stronger and more stable.

Weapon Selection:
The weapon selection system is temporary, until we can come up with our own menus which accomplish the same function plus some more.

Weapon Balance:
Weapon balance needs to be addressed, since CoD4/CoD:WW both build their weapon balance system around a system of higher-ranked unlocks, the stock weapons are naturally unbalanced toward those higher-level unlocks. The result in CoD4 competition was that 90% of the weapons were essentially ignored as useless. With PAM:WW, the idea is to return to CoD/CoD2-style of weapon balancing where each weapon and each weapon class was useful.

PAM Dvars:
Finally, please keep in mind that PAM:WW is FULL of options. There are litterally tons of different ways to set it up, some you personally may not like. Just because a server is setup a specific way does NOT mean that will be the rules for any particular competition.

As soon as Best gets the linux fiels … i may talk to pointy about trying a pub war server … might drum some solid activity :slight_smile:


Sigh … the little punk couldnt leave it alone …

Ryan Palmer ( raf1) , Promod maker, has returned for WW after stating previously that he was finished. A private release Beta for WW has been released for testing, with a public version due out soon.


[B]Promod:WAW Non-Public Version 1.0 (Pass 3)

Current supported gametypes : SD

The levelling system has been replaced with a class system
The field of view range has changed from 65-80 to 71-90
The gun sway fix has been implemented on all applicable weapons
Rifles and Snipers now kill from body shots
Teams are now named ‘Attack’ and ‘Defense’
Grenade cooking has been removed
Fog has been removed from all maps
Recoil has been increased on all guns, similar but perhaps more than that of CoD1
Firing rate caps have been introduced to all single shot guns
Team based weapons have been added – with a workaround due to having no menus
Pistols are now given depending on your class and team
The bomb is now invisible when planting/defusing
Client side map scripting removed
Entity physics has been disabled
Player names can now be changed during a round
Single bomb has been implemented [Drop is being worked on!]
Dvar Enforcer created
Unified Ruleset loader created
Pistols now have 1.3x movement speed
Sprint has been removed
Connection settings are now forced
Cosmetic Culling is now forced at 9
The CoD4 FPS increases have been implemented
The snipers have had a fix applied
Fire and effects have been removed from all maps
Music has been removed
Auto-aim and Lunge have been removed on the knife
Leader voices have been removed
Sound occlusion/attenuation removed
Sound realdelay removed
Dogs have been removed
UAV has been removed
Artillery has been removed
Perks have been removed
Off hand items have been removed
Missions have been removed
Ready up mode has been added
Strat time has been added
Client bobbing has been removed
The XP bar has been removed
Maps now have full colour saturation
Dynamic lights and shadows are now forced off
3D Objective/World icons have been removed
You now make a noise when trying to plant the bomb
The server name is now appended to show Promod is running in the server browser
Hip spread has been increased plenty for all automatic weapons
There is now a strat time counter
Fixed SD spawning and respawns
Spectator permissions have been limited
Teams now switch at half time
There is now a debugging command to draw your fps
Grenades have been disabled during Ready Up mode
You no longer receive ‘+points’ hud for killing
You now can spawn at any point during ready up or strat time, but not after
Knockback has been reduced
There is a now a TEMPORARY defuse sound. This will be improved come the modding tool kit
Battlechatter has been disabled
MR10 has been implemented as the beta ruleset
Quick switch has been implemented for weapon changing [/B]

Full update article is at BASHandSlash


Dammit, just let promod die already. PAM4 > promod.




i dunno … this promod sounds pretty good tbh

and we sucked at promod to start with because we revolved our training/ tactics for ga perks…

will be interesting to see what GA does , whether stays with pam or moves over… or even puts a ladder up


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