Cars, Bikes & More Cars


Post some pics of your cars/bikes past and present.

My most recent. 1984 Alfa GTV 2000. Love my twin, dual barrel dellortos, guzzle the fuel though.

My 1986 Paj, sold recently. 2.5 litre diesel wif a fully sic turbo.

My FSM NIKI!!! (stands for Fabryka Samochodów Małolitrażowych, that is not a joke!) My ride before the Pajero, 650 cc 2 cylinder (Grunt) Rear mounted engine (like a porsche) Air cooled (like a porsche) 17 kw of power (not like a porsche) don’t have any pics handy but this is what it looked like.

(mine wasn’t this bad ass! lol)

And Finanly my first car which I still own. My Alfa Romeo 1989 75 3.0 V6. Rare in 3 litre form and they basically don’t exist with low kms anymore, which is why I can’t brnig myself to sell it.

So I’ve had 4 cars in 2,75 years, lol.


I have a 2005 Pajero Exceed. nice car, all the extras, got it as a demo model, had every extra you could get…bought it drove it to work and it didnt fit in the car park…LMFAO so the wife has it during the week and I drive a Holden Vectra…Stupid Car Park.

Look to flick this late next year and maybe go Patrol or Landcruiser, maybe another Padj…

Car before was a 1998 Jeep Cherokee…awsome car, bit tight inside but it would turn on a coin. Black in colour, kept it clean for the first 3 months then got sick of cleaning it. Dont buy a black car!!! lol…It did great doghnuts on the beach

Before that was an 84 Hilux Sngle Cab Styleside with Canopy. Mattresss in the back with full audio, curtains…LMFAO…What a great car…Id go camping and just take my esky out and I was set up lol.

Ill post some pics here soon


I miss my Paj so much, it was a tank.

The old man had a Cherokee, 4.0 litre straight six. Would light up it’s rear wheels with little effort.


just found out i forgot to get all my photos off last time i formated :frowning:


well, since i dont have any pics on my pc anymore, google’d ones will have to do, looks like this one… yellow with yellow/black interior, but mine has a gps/tv screen in the dash…




got a 2001 Ford Laser :laugh: will post some pics when at home


Hey Chilli, do you want a petrol or diesel? If you get a turbo diesel Cruiser you’ll be set, best Aus 4WD as far as I’m concerned. One of dads mates has a 2008 twin turbo V8 diesel cruiser. It’s awesome for towing his huge boat, the car doesn’t feel the extra weight.


Turbo Diesel Pajero > Landcruiser when you take everything into account imo. Obviously the 'cruiser is a bigger vehicle, better towing capacity etc., but it’s not THAT much better considering the price you have to pay to get into one. Dad’s got an '06 Platinum turbo diesel Pajero atm, had it’s since new, has just clocked over 100,000k and has hardly had a problem with it. They went over to WA recently towing a van and it pulled it no worries, also tows his boat fine, and it has excellent fuel economy for everyday driving.


Hey patty, I couldn’t agree more in terms of value for money. The Pajero’s top that list. Even old cruisers and hilux’s were twice the price of my Paj, in worse condition (full of rust etc…) They still do everything that you would want from a 4WD. Not to mention my Pajero had auto locking hubs, 7 seats, air con, remote boot release etc… You’d be lucky to get a radio in an old hilux that was twice as expensive.


i dont own a car anymore i have a work supplied ford ranger.


Worst thing about Toyota 4WD’$, you pay way to much for the name. It’s a shame really, because they are good vehicles, but so aren’t worth the price when compared to others.


Well the current car ain’t much more than an A to B machine - Hyundai Elantra. End of schoo/first year of uni however had the almighty 1982 Suzuki sierra! Shames me to say I seem to have lost any pictures I had of it. Cept imagine it in a super faded yellow, brown decals on the side, and superman seat covers. Awwww yeah! :shades:

Sure the speedo only went to 120, the foot wells would start to fill with water in the rain and the radio only worked intermittently, but it had personality dammit! Had to get rid of it when fist sized chunks of rust could be taken outta the roof however :blink:

Essentially tho car has been dumped for the true sexiness… 2 wheels! My baby ZZR-250

Not a great shot but only one I’ve got:

and another of the bike from the webs

Either after I get off P’s, or maybe wait til i’m over 25 (would be a kinda painful wait :blink:) aiming for this fella I think

2 words - HELL. YES.


even better!


Going for a 750cc GSXR Johann or the 1000cc? Mate of mine recently bought a 750. He’s a total nutter though, can’t drive to save himself (as in, tries to drive like a maniac, but can’t drive for shit so has crashed many times, avoid driving with him if I can), so I can only imagine what he’s like on a bike.


Next door neighbour has a GSXR 750. They still move, he has some after market exhaust on it, you can hear him comming a mile away. If I ever buy a road bike it will be a CBR, I had a mate who had a 250cc one that revved to 20 odd thousand rpm, sweeeeeet.



With a slightly more performance motor:


Will have some power modifactions eventually, but not for a while.


why did you downgrade icey???




Hey Wazza, the other wazza that works with me also drives a kawasaki. I swear you and him must be the same person.



thinking of selling my 2001 laser for a early 90’s celica :shades: looks tops as well guy at work is selling it for around $4000 i thinks, reckon its worth it i paid $5500 for mine