Call of Duty 5 Known issues


Well i have not even had the game 24hrs and i want to take it back. I now keep on getting an error msg saying that it cannot connect to the online server! Even though i havent changed ANYTHING! I have forwarded all the correct ports and my network is set up properly, i am able to play other online games like Call of Duty 4 etc. but noooo, cod5 just wants to be a little bitch! This is a known issue within the COD5 community and no one, not even Activision has a fix, let alone an explanation for it… ffs… this is really annoying me…:><:


Haha funny if the mutiplayer is screwed i thought thats the only part of the game that they beta tested hehe


Yeah i got the same error a few times


well i only got to play single player for a bit last night… didn’t find any bugs in that… maybe its just multiplayer that is full of bugs… haha. maybe thats why on day of release there was a 317mb patch??


I haven’t had a problem yet? Have you guys already updated to 1.1? It’s still early days, it took CoD4 about 3 patches to get the game as good as it is now.