Caboose on fire


what ever nightfall says bout his net playing up and droppin’ him out are lies I"M THE BOSS


its verse F dude lol nightfall got a 50 bomb or something verse them :stuck_out_tongue:


Whats so good about that? KD is even above 4. and you where playing against 2 people.

Your shit.



i <3 you - only because its your birthday soon :><:


dam straight timmeh, whacha giving me :shades:


Some tea bags.



nice work cab … must be your highest scrore hey ?


one day you’ll grab a 30 :stuck_out_tongue:


Earl Gray imo.


tea is gross <3 coffee


haha nah was 49 was 1 kill away! but yeh i was dropping out stupid capped net :frowning: