Black Ops


Doesn’t Treyarch have a track record of making the secondary not so good COD games? EG, Infinity ward makes COD2,4,6(MW2) and making 8, Treyarch made CO3,5 and now making 7?


CoD3 was shite, but WaW was quite good i enjoyed it, its the last of the good ones and the last with modding support


CoD3 doesn’t exist for us PC gamers so it never happened as far as I am concerned.

I agree with cabby though, Treyarch actually do quite well. Sure, nothing lived up to CoD4 expectations, not even CoD6, but every CoD game has had an exciting single player campaign. They are always short, but it is crammed full of action.


But if you follow the pattern, Cod3 < Cod2, Cod5 < Cod4 (it may have been a good game, but it was still less then 4), by extension…Cod7 < Cod6…Maybe I’m just bitter about cod as a whole now but I’m not getting my hopes up for 7.


The World needs BF3:yes:


The world needs less Twilight crap… + BF3


That’s completely true in terms of the MP.

For SP, I don’t agree. CoD6 had the best SP campaign of any yet imo, I enjoyed it more than CoD4. I enjoyed WaW’s SP more than CoD2’s.

I’ll point out that I usually buy a game for the SP. If I had to choose between 10 hrs of SP compared to 100hr of MP, SP will do more for me. I need a story to enjoy what I’m doing, just shooting randoms gets tiring for me. That’s why I like playing in a clan, at least we are playing for a reason other than just playing.


of the singleplayers WAW, 2, 4, MW2. WAW was just so vivid and the most confronting WW2 shooter.


CoD 1 expansions SP was the best imo


Mmmm, my SP list prolly goes 4, 2, 5 and 6 last. Did like the Russian WaW stuff, but the Jap missions annoyed me too many times (goddamn banzai charges :tongue2:). The action in 6 was sweet, but the story was too ridiculous for my tastes (at least, for fitting in to what I see as the cod franchise).


hope thats true, i might buy it as soon as i get my tax <.<




Let me do it, so I can charge you double?


I think QuickScoping is the least of Hitlers problems, most would agree his hair cut is more of an issue


Fuck the SP… i didnt buy any cod or bf for the sp. 10-20hrs of sp vs 2000 odd hrs mp …


Hitler parodies never get old, always makes me laugh.


wow, the cod series has sp?


yer well the sp challenges and missions on hard are bloody brilliant…the sort of game you can play through a campaign at least twice


Whats Sp…:laugh:


Server Admin Guide

This is a place holder. I will put the guide together after release. I got some info from a gameservers tech I will pass on regarding server configs.
Here is what we know so far:
[]Game Servers will not be released until right around midnight. Expect to spend some time
]A RCON Tool w GUI will be released with the game
[]18 Player Max for Ranked
]24 Max for Unranked
[]-Built-in RCON functionality, very cool!
-Server messages / MOTD (& banner?), check!
-Kick & ban
]Wager matches will ONLY be hosted by Treyarch and allow 6 People Max
[]No Nades for First 10 Secs
]Hardcore mode
[/LIST][COLOR=yellow]confirmed Unranked servers you can control or remove perks and killstreaks[/COLOR]. Even on xbox there is a no perks and cod4 only perk mode.
[COLOR=yellow]You actually have more control of your servers as far as server options out of the box with Black Ops than you did with any other COD.[/COLOR]
There is supposed to be a lot of server variables we can control.
This is big really helps the competitive community. Maps are a good size and no spawn nades
Map names + Server abbreviations

Array – MP_ARRAY
Cracked – MP_CRACKED
Crisis – MP_CRISIS
Grid - MP_DUGA
Hanoi – MP_HANOI
Havana - MP_CAIRO
Jungle – MP_HAVOC
Nuke Town – MP_NUKED
Radiation – MP_RADIATION
Villa – MP_VILLA

Gametype names + Server abbreviations

Free-for-All - DM
Team Deathmatch - TDM
Search and Destroy - SD
Domination - DOM
Sabotage - SAB
Capture the Flag - CTF
Headquarters - KOTH
Demolition - DEM
Pre Configured configs (unofficial)

Bones TDM -12 players, Team Deathmatch, extras such as perks, kill streak rewards, contracts and attachments off.
Classic TDM - 12 players on killstreaks 3, 5 and 7, as in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1


The above list might not mean much for those not familiar with the cod cfgs etc but from an admin side… it looks liek they might even release a cod ( or fps game for that matter) with a half decent inbuilt rcon/admin tool. Will make updates and refinement so much bloody easier if it does work properly.

Probably the main thing for us since we are looking at it from a competitive point too … the yellow bold points.

I will wait to see what “lots of server options” actually means … but i dare say it will be akin to what bc2 procon/wolfcon/cc etc have finally done for the bc2 server side things ( namely give you some good options to adjust to suit)

Biggest on the list is of course the ability to remove perks/weapons etc … This will mean ladders that can be setup with base cfgs. Pretty much what GA used to run with. Stock weapon/map/nade etc characteristics … but perk control. Since this level of manipulation will be allowed ( unranked mode of course) this might be the foot in the door the modders are craving to be able to put some mods out. Hopefully not promod … that would be the pits as it will look like cs again.

While there are alot of variables with the game etc … and while i reckon im on the money … it may not work to get ladders up … but i can safely say that my desire to get/play Black Ops has just gone up a bloody HEAP