bf2 pb guid


Where do you find this?


‘Player Guid’

All players are required to enter there 32 digit PunkBuster guid into there profile which can be found at this LINK. This needs to be done prior to match start time. Please note that the initial entry of your guid will take effect immediately, and guid updates after that will take 7 days.

To find your 32 digit PunkBuster guid, join an online server and in the console (use the ~ key to bring down the console) type in pb_myguid and press enter. This will give you your full 32 digit PunkBuster guid


wat does it do exactly? n do u actually hav to do it?


Teams,The 10 v 10 ladder will be re-opened for Season 6 on Thursday evening.

A reminder that it is now a part of the rules that all players have their PB Guid entered into their GA profile. Failure to read and understand the changes may result in a forfeit if rules are broken.


how do i do that? soz its way too hot here atm cant really think straight lol. takes me a bit to get my mind goin


All players are required to enter there 32 digit PunkBuster guid into there profile which can be found at this LINK. This needs to be done prior to match start time. Please note that the initial entry of your guid will take effect immediately, and guid updates after that will take 7 days.

To find your 32 digit PunkBuster guid, join an online server and in the console (use the ~ key to bring down the console) type in pb_myguid and press enter. This will give you your full 32 digit PunkBuster guid.

i did this yesterday in an empty server…


so we need to do this before every match?


what link


yeah pugsy wat link is that?


lazy sobs the link is a refernce to the one that is broken onthe ga page…

see rule 5.7


To find your 32 digit PunkBuster guid, join an online server and in the console (use the ~ key to bring down the console) type in pb_myguid and press enter. This will give you your full 32 digit PunkBuster guild…


all done…and just for novelty i entered my cod4 one as well…even though im on the cod4 CG team lol


Took me awhile to figure out what to do… but all finished


entered and put application for 10v10 team on GAbut only as a back up. i’m not into bf2 that much


scratchy needs to post more…thats a nice avatar :shades:


Yea… that’s me mum, nice hay

is the game scheduled for tonight still happening?

