BF2 Patch 1.5 Release!


yeah, im using flashgot/flashget



or DTA as you are a FF user as it is neatly integrated add on.


i assume u mean downthemall?

I tried to get that and it fucks up everytime i try to download.


Just stick to a non-browser based download manager, such as the aforementioned FDM. Its good to keep the long term downloads away from a program that has a tenancy to crash.

FYI: Flashgot and flashget are different things. Flashgot is the Fx extension that is used to bootstrap a download request into an external download manager, such as FDM or FlashGET.



Works well for me, go with flashget then if it works.

Otaku, never had a problem using a browser based download manager.


Until your browser crashes. Flash, usually being likely culprit.


Good point, never thought of that.


My point is, stability is the highest priority.

I still dont follow why the patch is failing so often, even when you’re downloading from your own ISP. Your PC isn’t going into standby, or doing anything weird?


gamerena appears to have changed their server side settings so if you use a g15 or a g5 you get kicked if you use a macro, like prone button on your thumb button and so on. they expect you to shut down the lcd app to stop it pfft


Yeah, i use flashgot to open flashget or something :confused:


I thought this patch was suppose to be more accurate with the hit rego, so far every head shot i make as a sniper seems to have no impacted at all, & its lagging a hell of alot more then 1.41

… Im obviously not a big fan :yucky:


We appreciate your opinion. Thankyou for calling.


I do agree snipers seem even less accurate then before, the first time playing with the new patch as a sniper, i was often pulling out my pistol as it seemed more accurate :confused: But in saying that, the pistol did seem more accurate then the same pre 1.5


yeh the few minutes i played the guns seamed more accurate before i kept getting kicked for having ts macroed to my fucking thumb button on my mouse


LOL woven :laugh: