BC2 UAV Roadkills




hah! i never even thought of doing that!


lmao thats cool


mmm…i cant control it anything like that…better tweak some controls :shades:


I love roadkills! :smiley:
I have done it a few times in the UAV i think :S unless it didn’t register…


Yup, its happened to me too. Ran over him twice on a quad, to have him turn and knife me…


I received me 3 road kills in a round pin while using the UAV. Map was Valparaiso, flew into the lighthouse and ran over 2 enemies… there was a group of enemies (all squashed up together) at the next MCOM station, tried to run them all over but only got 1


Chilli, you do realise that that was the 360 version? that’s why it was so smooth xD


ahhhhhh, that makes sense




That is so cool…has anyone tried that on the pc version?


works very well on the ps3 version


It could be done in the beta, haven’t tried in the retail. I’m struggling to get road kills. Dunno if it’s a lag issue, but I can seem to drive straight over someone and nothin happens (unless it’s a tank and they’re in the centre of the road maybe).


I’ve ran over a few people in the jetski, so it definatly can be done. That said, I’m certain I’ve hit a few people who just didn’t die even on very nonlaggy servers and going infront a little.

I think maybe the game itself cant keep up with checking on some of the faster vehicles (jetski, quad etc)


Yea, I get the same thing , last night drove straight over a guy in a quad, dead centre…perfect hit :laugh:…he then stabbed me in the back :><:

