Auf Wiedersehen OE


… In a month… and only in comp gaming. These forums shall never be free of me! MWAHAHAHAHAHA.

I needed to be sleepin 3 hours ago but what can ye do. The process has been ridiculously tedious but I’ve finally got signed contracts sent and my resignation letter ready to hand in tomorrow. July 6 I shall be departing Sydney, Australia, and the Southern Hemisphere to start my new job in Munich, Germany :yahoo:. The pay is astronomically better (not to say it’s a massive paying job, just that my current company have screwed me over for 3 years) but the best part is gettin to live in Europe, which has been on my to-do list since high school.

I’ll ramble some more later, I just needed to shout it out somewhere and OE is my standard soap box :P. But now that has been done and my brain is screaming for the sweet embrace of sleep.

Only barely related, but The Doors rule :sweat:



I love the Doors

What are we going to do to send you off. Whats the pinng like from Germany…cant be any worse than Az’s


lol jam it Chilli

Sydney wont be the same without its larrakin. There will be no more street pole dancing …

But then … at least this may never happen again lol ( thats right john … the picture will pop up eternally)

Be sure to pass on your bosses name so i can email him that pic too hehehe


lol nice one az…Congrates john your distinctive laugh will be missed in ts.:wink2: Make sure you post some pic’s of some naked foreign slut’s just to make me even more jealous…:laugh:


:hi: toodles, least in europe the PC scene is still very strong


On a serious note, you have been a very valuable member of OE for a long time and without your involvment and commitment I dare say we would have struggled in the Admin capacity.

A sinncere thanks mate for all the hard work and time you have put in over the years. Its going to be hard to replace you and you will be missed although Im sure you will continue to frequent the forums :happy:


Oh man, what awesome news. Germany! You must be good at what you do for ze Germans to even consider taking you on, haha.

Any info on what it is you’ll be applying your skills to? Will you need to learn the language or is English the prefered format??? You might just be swayed to purchasing a car over there too, all the German exoctics that cost a packet here are substantially cheaper in Europe. You’ll probably end up driving a new M3 before too long.

Like Chilli said before, you’ll be missed greatly but I’m sure you’ll pop in every now and again to keep the spam thread chugging along.


i did nazi this coming :laugh:


I can see it now…everytime we play a PC war game and we shoot a kraught, german, nazi , people are going to be saying
“I killed John”


sounds good


You shithead wazza only just bought a pc after two years and you piss off lol
Have fun bro


LMAO, feel the love :laugh:.

Thanks fellas. Put the resignation letter in today, freakin awesome to finally be doin it :D. Some notes:

  • dunno bout ping Chilli but I concure, it’ll prolly still be better than Azza’s :laugh:. If the time zones align on the weekends I’ll jump in TS to see what’s the hapz. Sadly, the beastie isn’t making the trip with me - I’ll be on a little lappy til I get myself sorted.

  • Germany still has chicks Az, and as such, chicks’ clothing. I’ll let you know if anythin eventuates :wink2:. Personally I’m far happier that you saved that pic for the records rather than the old youtube vid!

  • Noted Mac. Reminds me i need to buy a camera :yes:.

  • Same aircraft Nipper, A350. It’s basically the biggest project around at the moment, now that JSF and A400M contracts have pretty much dried up. Here I’ve been working on the Rear Spar, which is the main beam along the aft edge of the wing. From what I’ve heard, I’ll doing more stress work, but on integration of the forward fuselage. Basically it’s two giant composite shells, and they need to make sure they can attach it to the rest of the aircraft without it falling off :P. I’ll also be involved in designing the full size test rig, where they test the first samples to destruction so they meet regs. Finally, there’s work to be done to design the transport rig. The parts are made at the site, but they are transported (to Toulouse I think) most likely via an Airbus Beluga and you gotta make sure it ain’t damaged along the way.

The Augsburg facility is massive. Can’t wait to be able to go down to the work floor and see this stuff first hand.

I THINK this is the workplace.

  • lol carbs :laugh:


gratz man, hope you have a great time in europe


i think john will like germany




Aw nooo :frowning: Will miss you John but I hope you have a blast over there!


But…But…who will my SAW call home now :frowning:

We need a proper send off. 24h BC2 marathon!


Its sad… I’ll have no one to hang out with on weekends in RL :yucky:
But im def going to raid his fridge in germany cos his the number 1 food freeloader here :stuck_out_tongue:


just don’t forget the strippergram before he goes


good luck john it will be an great adventure