Origin Usernames




is there any way you can change your user name?


Ask EA, friend of mine got his changed


Or make a new account with new email etc…


http://support.ea.com/ is how i got it.


You will find they are clamping down on it now due to thousands requesting it - hence the FAQ disclaimer about it now. Create a new email acoutn username is the easiest if you are keen for an updated username that doesnt meet their criteria for changing.

Yours haeady would be changable due to containing your name :slight_smile:


ok sent off now have to wait and see


[SIZE=“3”]You can now change your Origin ID using this handy dandy site: http://www.origin.com/us/change-id[/SIZE]

I am now Chr0mium (zero for ‘O’)


Cheers for the linky Chromy.



lnv3rted - with a small L. LOL


(I sense this becoming a theme)


HeadcaseOE lets keep the trend going


Mad_MacOE :wink2::wink2: man i tried heaps of combination and all where taken Mad_Mac1975 rip…


Is it just me, or do half of these names not work at all . . .




I hope everyone remembers that you have a tag before your name as well, before you go ahead and put another OE trailing your name.


Just shows the dedication chromy or where just all stupid…lol:tongue2:


Something like that.


Currently called Melee_Mac…:rolleyes2:


Some of us just have popular names that will look shit with :::::::::------ before and after the name :stuck_out_tongue:

looks better than
