COD : WW Beta


Played 3 maps so far … 2 beta maps and airfield crashed on the loading … and then it was scrim time lol.

Im assuming the new maps will be good once i get on to them …


haha wish it was porn being downloaded :stuck_out_tongue: unfortunately there is 3 of us using the one internet connection! :frowning: 25gb doesn’t last long.


Try 5!


lol are you serious patty? are they sisters that only browse the internet or something? :stuck_out_tongue:


No, 3 people on 5gb.


thats what you get with wireless, too bloody expensive to get a decent amount of bandwidth… however it means you can get broadband speeds for those people who live in the middle of no where :><:


Haha, “middle of nowhere” ffffft.


i nearly had to go down the wireless path… but dad was in with the guys at telstra and got us hooked up.