BF3 Media!


See this is the problem, everyones expectations are so high its going to lead to disappointment.

Me, couldnt give a rats arse about hit detection because everyone is playing under the same conditions…you just learn to deal with it.

better hit detection means I would get more kills and get killed more so its all even from my persopective


Too me all this game has to be is…only slightly better then bc2 and i’ll be happy as a pig in shit…Don’t care bout SP still havn’t played bc2 SP…Don’t care if you can prone or not if this game is as i said above equal or slightly better then bc2 its happy days…:wink2:



Different kind of media, but thought some of you programmers might find it interesting! Gives you some idea of what’s going on under the Frostbite hood.


Very interesting.

Studying algorithms atm, most of it is based around C. It’s funny how they can just throw some code up involving functions and make it look simple, when in reality it is really very clever. Those functions probably have 100s if not 1000 of lines of code, haha.

Those are just my assumptions, but you’d freak if you saw how many classes I needed to make in my tic-tac-toe assignment (java), can probably find it and post it up for those that are interested (can’t work out why you would be though…).


not sure if its been posted yet


[ame][/ame] watch ASAP and download it as well, who knows EA might take iut down cos its that epic




that building collapsing is awesome


Another publication, this time on DX11 usage.


Second video of Battlefield 3 Gameplay: Faultline Episode II



[ame][/ame] for easy access


Official Video (has 1080p). They’re always late to post to the Youtube channel.





Battlefield 3 Fault Line Gameplay Trailer Episode III: Get that Wire Cut




Shit it looks like its ready to go…release it!!!


Based on EA’s previous battlefield games being released with a mountain of bugs, I’d rather them hang on to it as long as they need to. They’ve kept us waiting so long that a while longer isn’t going to hurt, well not me anyway, haha.


Id rather play a bug infested game :shades: than wait till bloody September…


2-11-11 looking like the release date