BF3 Media!


Frostbite 2 engine seminar.

Hell long and over 5 parts… first is lonked, follow on the right for next parts etc.

I actually found it pretty cool to watch






That. Looks. SHIT. HOT.

If people dont buy this game … they got rocks in their heads!!


Hello gamers, look at mw3 now back at bf3, now back to mw3, now back to bf3. Sadly mw3 isn’t bf3, but if it stopped being the same game every year and tried to innovate it could come close to looking like bf3. Look down at mw3, look back up to bf3, where are you? your watching a trailer of a godly game that mw3 could have tried to be. Whats in your hand, back at me. I have it, its a copy of that game that you love so much. Look again, bf3 is now goty. Anything is possible with bf3. COD is dead…




BF3 coop


Commo Rose (Q)


Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted Enemy Boated Spotted



throws money at screen


DAYUM that’s a lot of gear. Yeah, ok I’m starting to feel the excitement now. The jets were the icing though.


There may be more too come still too, since the preorder guns arnt listed, and if that analysis video is anything to go by, there’s the M16A3 missing from the list


Hello Claymore!!!

Hello G36C!!!


oh god…


Lets see Az knife me in the back NOW!!! The only thing I will hear behind me now is fuken BOOM!


Good to see the SVD and Claymores coming back, my 2 favourite 20 killstreak weapons





Gaymores shit me to tears.

Might have to rethink the playing style, sit back and just kill you repetitively lol


Az will just jump that shit and fkn stab u anywayz…need fkn turrets to stop him me thinks:laugh:

